What is this?

Systemic Violence is an umbrella concept encompassing various forms of structural and institutional oppression and discrimination that are embedded in social, political, and economic systems, and perpetrated through the maintenance of power within dominant groups. It manifests through policies and practices that exhibit structural inequalities, marginalization and exclusion of the most vulnerable in society, often based on intersecting identities such as race, ethnicity, gender, class, age, sexuality, and other social markers. Systemic violence is both persistent and multi-faceted, resulting in cumulative and disproportionate harms that persistently reinforce unequal distribution of resources and access to social goods along these identity lines.

See also: white supremacy, power relation, global south, global change

Deep Adaptation Q&A with Vanessa Andreotti hosted by Jem Bendell 4,528

Dr. Vanessa Andreotti 1,260

Vanessa Andreotti: Beyond Inclusion 248

Vanessa de Oliveira Andreotti - Education in 2048 - Temp2 CIOM2021 152

Gesturing towards decolonial futures by Professor Vanessa Andreotti 150

Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures 150

Global education in times of unprecedented changes - Vanessa Andreotti keynote address #GCE 91

Deep Adaption with Vanessa Andreotti hosted by Jem Bendell: Social Dreaming 69